Liposuction Turkey

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the Turkey, with over 10,000 of them being done in 2022. It removes fat deposits from areas of the body that cannot be changed with diet or exercise for those who are already at their ideal body weight.

Liposuction is a procedure used to improve the body’s contours by sculpting and defining various areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, back, upper arms, breasts, and chin. Esteport Clinic specializes in liposuction for both women and men.

Cost Information

In Turkey, you can start your liposuction cost from 3500 euros. This price is applicable for 2023. If you want, we can also arrange your stay and transportation. Depending on what your body needs, the cost and methods might change. Feel free to reach out to us on WhatsApp to learn more about treatment options and pricing specially tailored for you!

Operation Card

Operation Time 1-3 hours
Anaesthetic type General
Length of stay in hospital One night
Up and mobile 1 day
Duration of Stay in Turkey 5-6 Days
Operation Site Istanbul
Washing 3 days
Sexual activity 4 weeks
Sleeping No restriction
Full recovery 6 weeks
Final results 3-6 months
Corset usage time 2-4 weeks

Before and After Liposuction

Due to the ban, we cannot publish clearly before and after on our website. But you can reach our page from our instagram link below. You can see before and after Liposuction surgery photos on our social media account.

Before After

What is liposuction ?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure where excess fat is removed from different areas of the body using a suction technique. This procedure helps in reshaping and sculpting the body to give it a more defined and slender appearance. It is often pursued by individuals who are looking to get rid of stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. It’s important to note that liposuction is not a weight loss solution but rather a body contouring method.


Liposuction has several benefits, which include:

  • Body Contouring: Helps in achieving a more defined and toned body shape by removing stubborn fat deposits.
  • Improved Appearance: Can enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence by helping you attain a body shape that is more aligned with your goals.
  • Targeted Fat Reduction: Allows for the removal of fat from specific areas of the body where it’s hard to lose weight through diet and exercise alone.
  • Minimally Invasive: Compared to other surgical procedures, liposuction is minimally invasive, which means it involves smaller incisions and potentially a shorter recovery time.
  • Complement to Other Procedures: Can be combined with other cosmetic procedures (like tummy tucks or body lifts) for a more comprehensive approach to body reshaping.
  • Long-lasting Results: Once the fat cells are removed, they do not regenerate, offering long-lasting results, provided a healthy lifestyle is maintained.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Removing excess fat can make physical activities more comfortable and reduce chafing in certain areas.
  • Potential Health Benefits: In some cases, it can potentially have health benefits by reducing fat deposits that might be linked with certain health issues, such as high cholesterol or blood pressure.

Remember, the decision to undergo liposuction should be made in consultation with a qualified medical professional who can evaluate individual health circumstances and provide guidance.

Am I suitable?

Should you get liposuction? It’s best to ask a doctor. But in general, it might be good for you if:

  1. You’re close to your ideal weight but have stubborn fat in some places.
  2. Your skin bounces back easily (it’s not saggy).
  3. You don’t smoke. Smoking can make healing harder.
  4. You’re healthy overall.
  5. You understand it’s for shaping your body, not for losing lots of weight.
  6. You’ve learned about the surgery and its risks.

Still, always talk to a doctor before making a decision.

How to prepare ?

Before undergoing a liposuction procedure, it is vital to have a detailed consultation with your surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations, as well as share your medical history and current medications. A physical examination is typically required to ensure you’re in good health, and you might need to undergo some laboratory tests such as blood tests. If you are a smoker, it’s recommended to quit smoking for a period before and after the surgery, since smoking can hamper the healing process. You should also limit your alcohol intake to reduce the risk of complications.

In the week leading up to the procedure, avoid blood-thinning medications as advised by your surgeon and maintain a balanced and nutritious diet to support your body’s healing process. The day before your surgery, ensure to maintain good hygiene by showering and cleaning your body properly to minimize the risk of infection. Also, prepare some loose and comfortable clothing to wear post-surgery.

On the day of the procedure, plan to arrive at the clinic or hospital well ahead of your scheduled time to avoid any rush. It’s important to stay calm and follow the instructions given by the surgical team. Arrange for someone to drive you home and assist you for the first few days following the procedure. At home, set up a comfortable space where you can rest and recover. Don’t forget to schedule follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and ensure a successful recovery.

What does liposuction involve?

Liposuction is a surgery that removes excess fat from specific body parts. Here’s what happens during the process:

First, you talk with a surgeon to plan the surgery. The surgeon decides which areas to focus on. On the day of the operation, you get anesthesia to avoid feeling pain.

During the surgery, small cuts are made in the skin. A thin tube, called a cannula, is inserted. This tube helps remove the fat. The surgeon moves the tube around to loosen the fat cells before removing them. Different methods like tumescent, ultrasound-assisted, and laser-assisted liposuction can be used.

After removing the fat, the cuts are stitched up. The area is bandaged to lessen swelling and bruising.

You’ll spend a few hours in recovery before going home. You might experience pain, swelling, and bruising afterwards. Following the surgeon’s care instructions will help you heal. This might include wearing special garments.

It’s important to have realistic expectations. Liposuction helps improve body shape, not reduce weight a lot. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is key to keeping the results.


Liposuction recovery is a critical phase where you need to take special care of your body to ensure the best results. Here’s what you generally need to know about the recovery process:

After the surgery, it’s common to experience some swelling, bruising, and pain. Your surgeon will likely provide medication to manage the discomfort. You’ll be asked to wear compression garments which help reduce swelling and support the affected areas.

In the first few days, you might need to take it easy and rest. Avoid strenuous activities and follow the specific instructions given by your surgeon regarding showering and changing bandages. You’ll also be given guidelines on how to take care of the surgical sites to prevent infection and promote healing.

Within a week or two, you may be able to return to work, depending on the nature of your job. Gradually, you can start reintroducing regular activities and light exercises into your routine. However, it might take several weeks before you can fully resume your normal activity level.

Throughout the recovery period, you might have several follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress. It’s essential to attend these to ensure you’re healing well.

You should notice improvements in your body contour as the swelling subsides, but the final results may take a few months to become apparent. It is vital to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen to sustain the results in the long term.

Remember, recovery experiences can vary from person to person. Always follow your surgeon’s advice and communicate any concerns or questions you may have during your recovery period.

Liposuction Turkey

Risks and complications of liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from specific areas of the body to reshape and sculpt it. While it can be an effective procedure for many people, it is not without risks and potential complications. Here are some of the potential risks and complications associated with liposuction:

Common Risks:

  • Bruising: You may experience significant bruising in the areas where fat was removed.
  • Swelling: It is common to have swelling after the procedure, which might take some time to subside.
  • Scarring: Scarring can occur at the incision sites, although surgeons try to minimize this by making small incisions in less visible areas.

Medical Complications:

  • Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection, which might require treatment with antibiotics or further surgery in severe cases.
  • Bleeding: There might be bleeding during or after the procedure, which in some cases can be serious.
  • Seroma: A seroma is a collection of fluid that builds up under the skin, which may need to be drained.
  • Thromboembolism: Blood clots can form and possibly travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) or brain (stroke), which is a serious complication.

Procedure-Specific Complications:

  • Nerve Damage: You might experience numbness or changes in sensation in the areas treated, which can be temporary or permanent.
  • Skin Irregularities: The skin may appear bumpy, wavy or withered due to uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity, or unusual healing.
  • Skin Discoloration: Changes in skin color might occur, which can be temporary or permanent.
  • Fat Embolism: Pieces of loosened fat might break away and become trapped in a blood vessel and gather in the lungs or travel to the brain.
  • Organ Damage: The tools used in liposuction can sometimes cause punctures to internal organs, although this is very rare.

Aesthetic Complications:

  • Asymmetry: You might notice unevenness in body contours, with some areas more affected than others.
  • Over-Correction or Under-Correction: There might be too much or too little fat removed, requiring further procedures to correct.

Psychological Complications:

  • Dissatisfaction with Results: You might not be satisfied with the results, which can cause distress or disappointment.
  • Emotional Stress: The procedure can sometimes lead to emotional stress or depression, particularly if the results are not as anticipated.

General Health Concerns:

  • Adverse Reaction to Anesthesia: As with any surgery, there is a risk of adverse reactions to anesthesia, which can sometimes be serious.
  • Cardiac Complications: The procedure might have effects on the cardiovascular system, including potential cardiac complications.

Other Potential Complications:

  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Post-operative dietary restrictions and healing can sometimes lead to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Delayed Healing: Some individuals might experience delayed wound healing, which can prolong the recovery period.

It’s vital to discuss these potential risks and complications with your surgeon prior to the procedure and to work with a qualified, experienced surgeon to minimize potential risks. Moreover, adhering to the prescribed post-operative care can also help in mitigating some of these risks.

RELATED: Laser Lipo

How to minimise scars after liposuction

Liposuction incisions are small and need to be properly taken care of to optimise scar appearance. It is important to avoid traumatising the incisions, keep dressings on for the recommended duration and not wear tight-fitting clothing. Most incisions will heal in 2 weeks with correct postoperative instructions. Once healed, your surgeon may advise you on optimum scar appearance methods and it is important to avoid or minimise sun exposure to improve scar healing.

Choosing the right compression garment for liposuction

A liposuction compression garment is an important part of recovering from liposuction, providing even pressure over the treated areas. They come in a variety of designs and styles. Compression garments must be worn for a certain period of time after liposuction, depending on the areas treated and the amount of liposuction done. Longer periods of wear are necessary for larger volumes of fat extraction.

Compression garments should be firm, but not too tight, as an overly tight fit can cause pressure sores and difficulty breathing. Post-liposuction swelling is due to excess tissue water collecting in the cavities created, and the patient may need to switch to a smaller garment for the best fit as the swelling resolves. It is important to ensure that liposuction compression garments fit properly, as ill-fitting garments can cause swelling and disrupt the body’s normal lymphatic drainage pathways, leading to prolonged inflammation of the treatment areas. If the garment does not feel like it fits correctly, the patient should notify their plastic surgeon.

How much weight can you lose with liposuction?

Liposuction is not primarily a weight-loss procedure but a body contouring technique. It’s designed to remove localized areas of stubborn fat that don’t respond well to diet and exercise, rather than to significantly reduce body weight. Here are some key points regarding weight loss and liposuction:

  • Amount of Fat Removed: In liposuction, only a limited amount of fat can be safely removed in one session. The generally accepted safe limit ranges from about 5 to 8 pounds (2.2 to 3.6 kilograms) of fat.
  • Varies by Individual: The actual amount of weight loss can vary depending on the individual’s body size, the area being treated, and the amount of fat present.
  • Not a Weight-Loss Solution: Liposuction is best suited for individuals who are already near their ideal body weight but have specific areas of fat they want to reduce for a more sculpted appearance.
  • Temporary Weight Reduction: While liposuction removes fat cells permanently from the treated area, it doesn’t prevent weight gain in other areas of the body. If a patient gains weight after the procedure, fat can accumulate in other areas.
  • Overall Impact: The success of liposuction is often measured in inches lost or the improvement in body contour, rather than significant weight loss.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: To maintain the results of liposuction, it’s important to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

It’s essential for anyone considering liposuction to have realistic expectations about the results and to discuss their goals with a qualified plastic surgeon.