Preservation Rhinoplasty Turkey

Preservation rhinoplasty is a surgery in Turkey. It keeps the nose’s natural look. The goal is to fix issues from trauma, surgery mistakes, or birth defects. Surgeons remove extra cartilage and skin. But they keep the nose’s original shape and size. This method also hides scars better. It helps with breathing too. This technique is growing in popularity in Turkey. It’s seen as effective and safe.

Preservation Rhinoplasty Turkey Cost

Preservation rhinoplasty in Turkey is a great option for patients looking to have a nose job at an affordable cost. This type of procedure is a more conservative approach to rhinoplasty, and it typically costs much less than the standard version. The cost for a preservation rhinoplasty in Turkey can range from around $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the complexity of the surgery. Patients can also expect to pay additional fees for anesthesia and hospital stay, as well as associated costs. Patients looking for a more affordable option for a nose job should consider a preservation rhinoplasty in Turkey.

Preservation Rhinoplasty Turkey

Preservation Rhinoplasty

Preservation rhinoplasty is a surgery. It keeps the nose’s natural shape. It makes small changes. It’s good for minor improvements. It can also fix damage from injuries.


This surgery changes the nose’s shape. Helps breathing problems. It can make people feel more confident. Boosts self-esteem.

Who Isn’t Suitable?

Not everyone should get this surgery. People with big nose problems might need a different procedure. If you had past nose surgeries, talk to a doctor first.

Traditional vs Preservation Rhinoplasty

Traditional rhinoplasty changes the nose a lot. Preservation rhinoplasty makes small changes. Both have benefits. Talk to a surgeon about the best choice.

Nose Job Turkey


The surgeon makes small cuts in the nose. They change its shape without big changes. They might use stitches or grafts. It can look better and work better.


Recovery is quick. There might be swelling or bruises. These go away in a week. Most people return to work in 3-5 days. Full results show in a year.

Pain Level

This surgery has some pain. Pain levels vary. Over-the-counter medications can help. Some swelling or bruising is normal.

What are the disadvantages of open rhinoplasty?

Open rhinoplasty, a common surgical technique used for nose reshaping, involves making an incision along the columella (the soft tissue between the nostrils) to lift the skin off the nasal structures for better visibility and access. While this technique offers several advantages, particularly in complex cases, it also has some disadvantages:

  • Scarring: The main disadvantage of open rhinoplasty is the potential for a small, visible scar on the columella. However, in skilled hands, this scar is usually minimal and may become barely noticeable over time.
  • Longer Recovery Time: Open rhinoplasty generally involves a longer recovery period compared to closed rhinoplasty. Swelling and bruising may be more pronounced and can take longer to resolve.
  • Increased Surgical Time: The procedure usually takes longer than closed rhinoplasty due to the more extensive dissection and increased visibility it provides.
  • Potential for More Swelling: Because open rhinoplasty involves more extensive manipulation of nasal tissues, there may be more postoperative swelling, particularly in the tip of the nose. This can also mean it takes longer for the final shape of the nose to be fully apparent.
  • Numbness: There may be temporary numbness in the nasal tip area following open rhinoplasty due to the disruption of small sensory nerves in the columella. This is usually temporary but can occasionally persist for several months.
  • Risk of Complications: As with any surgical procedure, there are risks such as infection, bleeding, or anesthetic complications. While these risks are not exclusive to open rhinoplasty, the more invasive nature of the procedure may slightly increase these risks.
  • Complexity: The open approach is technically more complex and requires a surgeon with specific training and experience in this technique.

It’s important for anyone considering rhinoplasty to discuss these potential disadvantages with a qualified plastic surgeon. The surgeon can provide detailed information on the risks and benefits of both open and closed rhinoplasty techniques, helping to determine the most appropriate approach based on the individual’s anatomy and desired outcomes.

Difference Between Structural and Preservation Rhinoplasty

Structural rhinoplasty changes the nose’s bones. Preservation rhinoplasty doesn’t. Preservation rhinoplasty is less invasive. Both need a skilled surgeon.