Nipple Reduction Surgery Turkey

Want smaller nipples? Turkey has many skilled surgeons for that. They can make your nipples look better.

Research well before choosing a surgeon in Turkey for nipple reduction. Find one with good reviews and past success. Ask your doctor for recommendations. Before deciding, talk to the surgeon about your goals and any risks. This helps you choose confidently.

Causes of large nipples

Several things can lead to large nipples:

  1. Genetics: If your family has large nipples, you might too.
  2. Hormones: Changes during puberty, pregnancy, or breastfeeding can enlarge nipples.
  3. Weight gain: Bigger breasts from gaining weight can mean bigger nipples.
  4. Aging: Skin becomes less firm with age, making nipples look bigger.
  5. Breastfeeding: Constant use can stretch nipples.
  6. Medical issues: Some conditions like hormonal imbalances can cause big nipples.

If worried about nipple size, talk to a doctor. They can advise on causes and treatments, including surgery.

Nipple Reduction Surgery Turkey

Ideal candidates for nipple reduction

Nipple reduction is for those with large or sticking out nipples causing discomfort or self-consciousness. Ideal candidates:

  1. Are healthy.
  2. Feel uneasy about nipple size or shape.
  3. Might have physical discomfort from their nipples.
  4. Have real expectations about the results.
  5. Understand the surgery’s risks.

Before deciding, a chat with a skilled plastic surgeon is essential. They’ll discuss surgery details, recovery, and aftercare. Not everyone is a fit, so always consult a doctor first.

RELATED: Inverted Nipple Surgery Turkey

Can nipple size be reduced surgery?

Yes, nipple size can be reduced through a surgical procedure known as nipple reduction surgery. This procedure is designed to decrease the size of the nipples and can also be used to reduce the size of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple). Nipple reduction is typically performed for cosmetic reasons, to improve the appearance of the nipples, but it can also help in cases where large nipples cause physical discomfort or interfere with normal activities.

The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis, meaning you can go home the same day. It’s performed under local anesthesia, and the surgeon makes small incisions either at the base of the nipple or along the border of the areola. Excess tissue is then removed, and the incisions are closed with fine sutures.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved, including infection, changes in nipple sensation, and scarring. Recovery time varies depending on the individual and the extent of the surgery, but most people can return to normal activities within a few days to a week.

It’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations, as well as the potential risks and benefits of the surgery.

Nipple reduction surgical techniques

There are various methods for nipple reduction:

  1. Excision: Removes some nipple tissue for reshaping.
  2. Wedge resection: Cuts out a wedge from the nipple to make it smaller.
  3. Suture techniques: Reshapes the nipple using stitches, great for slight enlargements.
  4. Combination: Mixes excision and suturing for the best result.

The method depends on the person’s needs and the surgeon’s expertise. It’s vital to pick a skilled surgeon for the best results and safety.

Recovery after nipple reduction

After nipple reduction surgery:

  1. Expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Pain meds and ice can help.
  2. A dressing might be put on the area to aid healing.
  3. Avoid heavy activities and water on the incision for a while.
  4. Most return to work in a week or two.
  5. Follow the surgeon’s instructions and go to check-ups.
  6. Keep nipples away from strong sunlight or tanning beds to prevent scars.
  7. Everyone’s recovery differs, but results usually show in a few weeks to months.

Nipple Reduction surgery FAQs

Certainly! Here are some frequently asked questions about nipple reduction surgery:

Is nipple reduction painful?

There’s some pain after surgery, but pain meds help.

Will it affect breastfeeding?

It might impact breastfeeding. Discuss with the surgeon if you plan to breastfeed.

Will there be scars?

All surgeries leave scars. The surgeon hides them well, and they fade over time.

How long is the surgery?

It usually takes 1-2 hours.

When can I get back to normal?

Most people return to regular activities in 1-2 weeks.

What are the risks?

Risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, sensation changes, and uneven nipples.

How much does it cost?

Costs vary by location and surgeon. Check with your surgeon and insurance for details.

View pre and post-operative images.