Tummy Tuck Turkey

Tummy Tuck (or abdominoplasty) is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the Turkey, second only to liposuction, which removes excess skin from the abdomen to create a flatter and tighter-looking abdomen. It is often used to treat saggy skin that results from pregnancy or drastic weight loss.

What is Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)?

Significant weight loss or pregnancy can reduce skin elasticity due to decreased collagen and elastin production, causing sagging and wrinkles. Older individuals face similar issues. Tummy tuck surgery can effectively return the body to its pre-pregnancy or pre-weight gain shape.

This procedure is often paired with liposuction or breast enhancement, forming a popular “mummy makeover” package for women looking to restore their post-childbirth body.

How much does it cost?

In Turkey, a tummy tuck surgery costs about 5000 Euros in 2023. This fee includes your stay, transportation, and help from an interpreter. For more details, reach out to us on WhatsApp at +905432413241.

Operation record

Time 2-4 hours
Anaesthetic type General
Length of stay 1 day
Up and mobile 1 day
Washing 1 week
Sexual activity 6 weeks
Postoperative garmen 6 weeks
Sleeping On back for 4 weeks
Exercise 6 weeks
Full recovery 6 weeks
Final results 6 months
Length of stay in Turkey 7 days
City Istanbul

Before and After Tummy Tuck

Due to the ban, we cannot publish clearly before and after on our website. But you can reach our page from our instagram link below. You can see before and after Tummy Tuck surgery photos on our social media account.

Before After

Who is it for?

A tummy tuck surgery is ideal for a woman with a BMI below 30 who is not planning more children. This person often has loose abdominal muscles or skin from pregnancy. As obesity rates rise globally, more people are opting for this surgery to reduce belly and side fat. It is also popular among those who have lost a lot of weight, but their situations require careful planning and management.

The ideal candidates are those who are mentally and physically healthy. They are close to their target weight and have skin with good elasticity, promoting a younger look. They might be dealing with large fat deposits or extra skin, common problems due to pregnancy or aging, which lessen skin and muscle firmness. It is best if they are non-smokers at a steady weight. However, the surgery should be postponed if major weight loss is planned or if a pregnancy is expected soon, as it may impact the results of the surgery. Those with abdominal scars might be advised against this surgery, as it could make the scars more noticeable.

What are the benefits?

  1. Better Posture: A tummy tuck tightens your belly muscles. This helps your posture.
  2. Smooth Contour: The surgery removes extra skin and fat. This gives your belly a smoother shape.
  3. Less Back Pain: Tighter core muscles can mean less back pain. It helps support your spine better.
  4. Fewer Stretch Marks: The operation can remove some stretch marks. It depends on where they are located.
  5. Boosted Confidence: A flatter stomach can boost your confidence. It can make you feel better in clothes or swimsuits.
  6. Hernia Relief: This surgery can fix a hernia sometimes. It strengthens weak belly muscles.
  7. Weight Loss Maintenance: After the surgery, it might be easier to keep weight off. It can motivate a healthy lifestyle.
  8. More Clothing Choices: A flatter belly means more clothing options. You can find clothes that suit your body better.
  9. Increased Comfort: Removing extra belly skin and fat makes you more comfortable. It helps in daily activities.

It’s good to note that benefits can vary. Talk to a healthcare provider for detailed advice.


Preparing for a tummy tuck is crucial to ensure safety and success. Firstly, undergo a complete health check to spot any possible risks.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key. This includes a balanced diet and regular workouts to keep a stable weight before surgery. If you smoke, quitting a few weeks before surgery is essential as it affects the healing process.

Discuss your current medications with your surgeon. You may need to modify or stop some before the procedure. Arrange for someone to take you home post-surgery and help with daily tasks during the first recovery phase.

Have a pre-surgery meeting with your surgeon to understand the procedure and clear any doubts. Also, have pain medicines, bandages, and easy meals ready for after the surgery.

Set up a cozy recovery spot at home with basics like pillows and blankets to support a smooth recovery. Above all, stick to the surgeon’s pre-surgery advice closely to guarantee a great result. Remember, meticulous preparation and following expert guidance are fundamental for a successful tummy tuck.

What does it involve?

  • Consultation: First, you’ll have a consultation with a surgeon to discuss your goals and plan the surgery.
  • Anesthesia: On the day of the surgery, you’ll be given anesthesia to ensure you’re comfortable and pain-free during the procedure.
  • Incision: The surgeon makes an incision, usually in the lower abdomen, to remove excess skin and fat.
  • Muscle Tightening: Next, the surgeon tightens the weakened or separated abdominal muscles using sutures.
  • Skin Trimming: The surgeon then trims the remaining skin to create a smoother and firmer abdomen.
  • Closure: Finally, the incision is closed using stitches, and dressings are applied to aid healing.
  • Recovery: After the surgery, you’ll have a recovery period where you need to rest and follow the surgeon’s care instructions.
  • Results: Once healed, you can enjoy a flatter, more toned abdomen and the other benefits discussed during the consultation.


Recovering from a tummy tuck takes time and careful attention. At first, you might feel some pain and swelling. Pain medicine can help manage this. It’s important to rest a lot in the first few weeks. This helps avoid any complications.

Wearing a compression garment is necessary. Your surgeon will tell you how to use it. This helps lessen swelling and aids healing. You might have drains to remove extra fluid. These are removed at a later doctor visit.

During this time, eat well to help with healing. Avoid things like smoking that slow down healing. You’ll see your surgeon regularly to check your progress. They might change your recovery plan if needed.

You can start light activities like walking bit by bit. This prevents blood clots and helps blood flow. With time, you can do more exercise, but only with your surgeon’s OK.

Remember, enough rest and following doctor’s orders are key. This helps you heal well after your tummy tuck. It’s all about patience and following expert tips to get the best results.

Risks and potential complications

Esteport clinic provides tummy tuck procedures using advanced techniques and many years of experience in abdominoplasty surgery. Patients can expect the highest quality results.

Tummy tuck risks:

  • Anaesthetic risks
  • Venous thromboembolism
  • Hypertrophic scars
  • Asymmetric results
  • Surgical site infection
  • Seroma or haematoma

Expected Results

After a tummy tuck, you can expect a smoother, tighter stomach area. It can get rid of a bulging belly and give a toned appearance. The surgery removes extra skin and can lessen the look of stretch marks, especially below the belly button.

If the tummy tuck includes fixing the muscles, it can give you a firmer core. This might even ease back pain and help with better posture, as a strong core supports the spine well.

This surgery can also boost your self-confidence by helping you achieve the body shape you desire. Keeping a stable weight and regular workouts can make the results last longer. However, the surgery is not a replacement for a proper diet and exercise regime. Major weight changes can alter the surgery’s outcome. So, a healthy lifestyle is important to keep enjoying the benefits over time.

Keep in mind, the full outcome of the surgery takes a few months to show. This is as the swelling goes down and the scars fade. It’s good to talk in depth with your surgeon about what to realistically expect from this procedure.

Tummy Tuck Turkey

What is a mummy makeover?

A mummy makeover at Esteport clinic aids women facing body changes post-childbirth, such as saggy breasts or loose skin. This surgery combines a tummy tuck and breast lift, addressing weight gain and stretch marks. It aims to revitalize the breast volume and waistline affected by pregnancy. The makeover may include a breast lift, implants, or fat grafting, alongside abdomen liposuction. Esteport’s surgeons are well-known specialists in this field.

To explore further details on Mommy Makeover, kindly visit our relevant page.

Why have a tummy tuck?

At Esteport clinic, skilled surgeons ensure the success of each abdominoplasty. Lasting results can be expected if patients maintain a steady weight and avoid sudden fluctuations. Women aspiring to have more children should postpone the procedure to prevent skin laxity later on. Esteport is a top choice for this popular cosmetic surgery, offering notable results for both men and women. Their expert surgeons specialize in complete abdomen rejuvenation.

What is the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?

Abdominoplasty and liposuction serve different purposes. Discuss your goals with your surgeon to choose the right one. A tummy tuck, ideal for those with excess skin or stretch marks, can be paired with liposuction for individuals with skin laxity and extra weight from substantial weight loss.

Liposuction is effective for removing excess fat, but not for treating stretch marks. For treating stretch marks, is offered at Esteport clinic in Istanbul. It is best suited for patients with excess fat but still firm abdominal skin, as the skin may shrink after liposuction. Esteport clinic offers a ‘scarless tummy tuck’ using a minimally invasive procedure. The procedure can be performed with local anaesthetic and without the downtime of a traditional abdominoplasty.

Will a tummy tuck get rid of my stretch marks?

The removal of abdominal skin flap will also result in the removal of stretch marks in that region, while stretch marks outside the area of excision will remain. Esteport clinic provides treatments such as micro-needling and fractional laser resurfacing to help reduce the overall presence of stretch marks.

Full abdominoplasty

A full abdominoplasty is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat, as well as reconstructs the muscle layer, to create a narrower torso. It is ideal for patients after pregnancy or weight loss and does not involve liposuction. Traditional abdominoplasty is becoming increasingly obsolete.

Extended abdominoplasty

The extended abdominoplasty removes excess skin and tissue from the abdomen and sides, often including liposuction. It has a longer incision compared to a full abdominoplasty and is ideal for those with extra muscle slackness in the hips and flank region.

Fleur-De-Lis abdominoplasty

The Fleur-De-Lis abdominoplasty tackles excess skin using an inverted T-shaped cut. It combines a low horizontal cut with a small vertical one near the belly button.

Circumferential abdominoplasty or Body Lift

A 360 tummy tuck, also known as a circumferential abdominoplasty, is more extensive than a regular tummy tuck. It suits people with a lot of loose skin around the torso, usually due to massive weight loss. The procedure, done in two stages at Esteport clinic, goes around the torso and can include a thigh and buttock lift. It’s often termed a lower body lift or belt lipectomy.

Caesarean section scar revision

Many women get a noticeable skin fold above their C-section scar. This can be fixed with a scar revision procedure. It removes extra skin and fat, sometimes with liposuction. The surgery is done under local anesthesia in a day.

Revision abdominoplasty

Our surgeons are experts in NHS abdominal wall reconstruction. They often help patients unhappy with tummy tucks done in the UK and other places. They have extensive experience in revision surgeries.

Reasons to seek revision tummy tuck:

  1. A procedure was performed but excess fat was not removed.
  2. Discusses a umbilicus that is not shaped properly.
  3. Discusses the issue of inadequate muscle repair due to a
  4. An unsightly scar
  5. The placement of a scar can be incorrect, usually placed too high.

How will my belly button look after tummy tuck surgery?

After removing extra skin and fat in abdominoplasty, a new belly button is formed. Our experts excel in umbilicoplasty, using personalized advanced techniques for a natural result.

How to look after tummy tuck scars

Tummy tuck scars result from a low cut above the pubic area by skilled surgeons. Scar length varies with the surgery type. Proper aftercare can enhance the scar’s appearance.

Top Tips to Help with Tummy Tuck Scar Healing

  1. It is essential to follow the advised period of time for wearing postoperative dressings.
  2. Do not overstretch an area with a scar, as this could cause further damage. An example of this would be bending backwards.
  3. Sun exposure should be avoided as it can cause excess scarring and interfere with wound healing.
  4. Recommends using silicone scar gels and medical-grade brown tape for scar treatment.
  5. Scars can take time to fade, but they can be treated with laser if they remain prominent.

Can I get a drain-free tummy tuck?

A “dry” tummy tuck is a newer, faster recovery surgery. It removes skin and fat from the lower abdomen without using drains, reducing pain and infection risks. This method uses special garments and techniques to lessen fluid buildup, making recovery more comfortable.

Yet, it’s not for everyone. Its success depends on factors like surgeon skill and patient health. A consultation with a skilled surgeon is necessary to assess if it’s the right choice and to plan post-op care. When suitable, this method can ensure a quicker and smoother healing period.

Can your stomach get fat again after a tummy tuck?

Yes, it is possible for your stomach to accumulate fat again after a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat and tightens the abdominal muscles, but it does not prevent future weight gain or fat accumulation. Here are some important points to consider:

  • Fat Cells Removed Permanently: The fat cells that are removed during a tummy tuck are gone permanently. However, the remaining fat cells in the area (and throughout the body) can still expand if weight is gained.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Post-surgery, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, is crucial to sustain the results. Gaining a significant amount of weight after the procedure can lead to the accumulation of new fat in the abdominal area and other body parts.
  • Pregnancy Effects: If a woman becomes pregnant after a tummy tuck, the results of the surgery may be compromised. Pregnancy can stretch the skin and abdominal muscles, potentially reversing the effects of the procedure.
  • Aging Process: Natural aging can also affect the results over time, as skin elasticity decreases and body fat distribution changes.
  • Individual Variability: Each person’s body responds differently to weight gain, and factors such as genetics, age, and overall health play a role in how and where the body stores fat.

To maintain the results of a tummy tuck, it’s recommended to follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid significant weight fluctuations. Regular follow-up with the surgeon can also help address any concerns and provide guidance on sustaining the results.