Boobs Aesthetic in Turkey

No matter what procedure we perform regarding meme, there are numerous questions and concerns in both the patient’s and my own mind. These include the naturalness of the outcome after the surgery, the size of the scar that will remain, potential complications after the surgery, and issues regarding the anesthesia.

Throughout my professional career, achieving a natural-looking outcome in all of the surgeries I have performed has always been my main goal. As a result, neither I nor my patients have ever experienced any issues regarding naturalness in the cases I have done. I believe that solving this problem is entirely related to an aesthetic point of view.

Before After

As a surgeon who has fully embraced the concept of cosmetic surgery, it is a natural result that I detest the scars that will remain after breast surgery (reduction, enlargement or reshaping). It is not possible nor correct to use the same technique on every patient in breast aesthetic surgery and correctly indicating the best technique according to the patient’s examination findings is the natural result of surgical experience and knowledge. Therefore, I have created the opportunity for myself to think and research a lot in this regard. What technique should I use to cause less scarring and minimize any potential problems with breastfeeding after pregnancy? I think I have collected the fruits of my research and efforts to improve my technique in the form of a group of satisfied patients.

After my surgical procedures, it has become evident to me that the techniques I use to ensure my patients do not suffer from pain, and are even able to be discharged on the same day of their surgery, have become quite refined.

What are aesthetic breasts?

The term “aesthetic breasts” refers to breasts that are considered pleasing or attractive in appearance, based on certain aesthetic principles or cultural standards. It’s important to note that perceptions of aesthetic breasts can vary greatly among individuals and cultures, and what is considered aesthetically pleasing for one person may not be the same for another. However, some commonly cited attributes include:

  • Symmetry: Breasts that are symmetrical or evenly matched in size and shape are often viewed as more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Proportion: Breasts that are proportionate to the individual’s body size and shape are generally considered aesthetically desirable. This means that the breasts are in balance with the person’s height, weight, and overall body frame.
  • Shape and Contour: The shape of the breasts can also be a factor, with many people preferring a fuller, rounder shape. However, preferences for breast shape can vary widely.
  • Position: The position of the breasts on the chest, including the placement of the nipples, can influence perceptions of aesthetic appeal. Generally, breasts that sit higher on the chest with nipples pointing slightly upwards are often seen as youthful and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Natural Appearance: Many people value a natural look, where the breasts appear soft and not overly firm or artificially shaped.
  • Size: While there is no universally ideal breast size, aesthetic preferences can depend on cultural norms and personal tastes. Some may prefer larger breasts, while others may find smaller breasts more appealing.

It’s crucial to emphasize that the concept of aesthetic breasts is highly subjective and influenced by personal preferences, societal norms, and cultural trends. Additionally, the idea of what is considered beautiful or desirable should not overshadow the importance of individual comfort and health. For someone considering breast surgery for aesthetic reasons, it is essential to have realistic expectations and to make decisions based on personal desires and well-being, rather than solely on societal standards or trends.

Breast Aesthetic Surgery

Nipple Size

We cannot medically classify the size of the nipple as a disease. This issue is purely a structural feature of the person. Although it does not cause any medical health problems, it can cause many social problems, especially in women. Women who do not want to use innerwear can have problems in choosing clothes and daily life due to the large size of the nipple. Even when using thick bras and nipple pads, it can cause discomfort in women due to the obviousness from the outside. The goal of the surgeries performed due to the large size of the nipple is to achieve a natural-looking and desired size.

We can easily solve this problem technically with a relatively simple surgery. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and the average surgical time is 30 minutes. During the surgery, special attention must be paid to surgical technique, especially in terms of protecting the milk ducts. To minimize the risk of problems related to breastfeeding, I prefer to perform the surgery using magnifying glasses (ocular loops). In cases where the deformity is very pronounced, it may be necessary to remove the entire tissue from the nipple. In these cases, the patient must be aware that there may be problems related to breastfeeding.

In cases where the breast head is prominent, another concern is whether there will be a sensation loss in the breast head. I can confidently say that there will be no sensory problems in these surgeries, such as sensation loss in the breast head. The patient can be discharged immediately after the surgery and can return to their work and social life without any trouble.


Inverted nipples, also known as the condition of having a breast’s nipple pointing inward, can be present from birth or manifest later in life. This condition often appears during puberty along with breast development and can cause both aesthetic and functional problems. Aesthetic issues can lead to psychological problems when transitioning to an active sex life, and may cause serious problems while breastfeeding.

It is often shown that the cause of this condition is the congenital or infectious narrowing of the ducts beneath the nipple. The inversion of the nipple can range from mild to severe levels. In mild cases, the nipple can be brought back to its normal shape with a slight pressure around the nipple. However, this maneuver is ineffective in more severe cases. We also use this maneuver to naturally determine the indication for surgery.

In cases where the head of the breast is sunken inwards, surgery is usually performed under local anaesthesia in operating theatre conditions. Rarely, sedatives known as sedation can be added. The duration of the surgery varies from 15 minutes to one hour depending on the indication. The patient is discharged on the same day as the surgery is performed. He/she can return to work and social life immediately. However, sexual activity involving the breast is not recommended for a short period.

The two most common questions we face with this issue are whether there will be a relapse and afterwards, will I have any problems with breastfeeding? In fact, the answers to these two questions are intertwined. In cases of mild degree, we will perform surgery without intervening in the milk ducts under the breast, so there will be no problems with breastfeeding and the chance of relapse will be almost zero. In more serious cases, if it is necessary to intervene in the milk ducts, theoretically breastfeeding is not possible. When such a radical surgical intervention is applied, the recurrence rate is very low. In any case, getting rid of this problem will significantly relieve the patient in his own world.

Areola Size

The brown circular area around the nipple is called the areola. The size of the areola can vary from person to person, and can increase with pregnancy and weight gain. Normally, the diameter of the areola should be around 4.5-5 cm. In my clinical observations, I have seen areolas that measure up to 15 cm in diameter. While this poses no health risks, it can create an unattractive image. This issue can be easily solved with areola reduction surgery. This surgery can be performed under local anesthesia or with sedation and involves shrinking the areola to a diameter of about 5 cm in a circular pattern. After the surgery, there may be a faint circular scar around the outer edge of the areola. The patient can be discharged the same day and can return to normal social activities.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Aesthetics

What does breast asymmetry-breast disparity mean?

The truth is that nothing in life is symmetrical. The human body is truly like the Mona Lisa painting. When we divide a person by a vertical line, there is always some difference or asymmetry between the right and left sides in each patient or person. This is a reality that exists in creation.

When it comes to breast size, there are differences in terms of breast cup size, nipple level, and breast crease level. As a surgeon, part of my job is to identify and address any asymmetries that I may come across while performing an operation.

Will I Have Difficulty Breastfeeding My Baby?

In breast augmentation surgeries, I typically use the inframammary or sub-pectoral line of entry. Technically, I usually place the implant in a dual plane submuscular or, if necessary, in a subglandular plane. The common feature of all these techniques is that they do not cause any problems for the patient during pregnancy and breastfeeding periods. That is, the common feature of the techniques I use is that my patients can comfortably breastfeed their babies.

Patients often ask me whether the silicone implants used in their procedure might pose a risk to them or their baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I am able to reassure them that the implants I use are of a very high quality and that there is no danger. I am always sure to clearly communicate this to my patients.

Why Does the Breast Sagging?

There are multiple answers and explanations to the question of why the chest sags. Firstly, it is necessary to talk about the person’s genetic predisposition. The genetic codes inherited from the patient’s parents are generally the first explanation for this condition. In addition, frequent weight gain and loss, i.e. weight imbalances, are potential causes. To explain this, I usually use the balloon inflation analogy. When you inflate and deflate a balloon 15-20 times, everyone has observed the deterioration of the balloon’s texture. In the same way, sagging and drooping of the breast tissue can be seen throughout the body.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have serious negative impacts on women. On one hand, hormonal effects can cause weight gain and loss cycles, along with sagging skin. On the other hand, the physical and emotional toll of the pregnancy and post-partum period can weigh heavily on a woman’s body and mind. With the right support and care, women can make it through this challenging time and come out stronger.

Care after Breast Aesthetics

In breast aesthetic surgeries, pain issues are rarely encountered in any other procedure aside from breast augmentation. In breast augmentation surgeries, there may be occasional pain, but it is gradually declining. In such cases, regular use of the pain relievers I prescribe to my patients is effectively resolving the issue.

Drainage is used to remove the accumulated blood and serum fluids in the operative area of the required wards. When drainage is used, one must pay attention to the negative pressure of the drainage as indicated. We decide on the time of drainage removal during the check-up examinations and can do so in a painless manner.

I allow warm showers three days after the operation, but I always inform my patients especially in each case. I permit light physical exercise and sports movements from the seventh day onwards, with caution. Starting more intense physical exercise from the fifth or sixth week is very important for the success and quality of the operation.

After 2-3 days of a chest surgery, you can return to a light, non-strenuous work life, such as desk or office work. After listing the things you need to take care of, the most important thing is that you can contact me, your doctor, without hesitation even if you have the slightest problem.

Risks and Complications

I believe that it is necessary to explain the risks of complications to patients, regardless of which operation they are having. Generally speaking, there are classic complication risks such as infection, bleeding, hematoma and seroma in breast augmentation, just as in any other surgical intervention. These can be minimized with careful work during the operation, the use of drains in the necessary cases, and the selection of appropriate hospitals and operating rooms.

When it comes to breast reduction surgeries, there is a risk of not reducing them enough or too much. This can be resolved through healthy communication between the patient and the doctor. I believe that using outdated surgical techniques to leave excessive surgical marks on the patient is also among the complications. In particular, problems with wound healing can be encountered in smokers and those with diabetes.

In breast augmentation surgeries, spontaneous degradation of the prosthesis and capsular contracture formation are risk factors. In my professional life, I have never encountered the situation of prosthesis degradation. Silicone is normally inert, meaning that it is one of the materials that the body does not develop an exaggerated reaction to. However, on average, the body can develop an exaggerated reaction to silicone prosthesis in 3%. This situation is referred to as Capsular Contracture. However, it is important for the patient to understand that this situation can also be solved.

Is Scarless Breast Aesthetics Possible?

Breast aesthetic surgeries should be considered under the main headings of enlargement, reduction, and straightening. In breast enlargement surgeries, a completely scarless surgery can be performed technically. If scarless technique is requested, we can perform this surgery from the armpit or umbilicus. The incision made parallel to the armpit crease of 1.5-2 cm from the armpit is completely (%99) dissolved after the healing period. Sometimes even I (the surgeon) cannot detect the scar.

In addition to traditional breast augmentation surgery, the endoscopic technique can be used to perform a completely scarless breast augmentation. The most important factor here is the patient’s examination findings. The anatomy of the navel entry, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat tissue, and most importantly, the suitability of the breast tissue are the most important criteria for this technique.

As a surgeon who does not like the scarring from previous surgeries, I perform operations with the minimum incisions possible for breast reduction and lifting. For example, I never use the “inverted T technique” which leaves a lot of scarring. I prefer techniques referred to as “vertical technique” which involve minimum incisions for breast reduction and lifting. Of course, as an experienced surgeon, the examination findings and expectations of the patient are the most important. However, I would like my patients to know one thing in particular. I, as your doctor, also detest the scars left from an operation.

Do Breast Enlargement Creams and Bras Have an Effect?

I have never been warmly disposed to breast enlargement creams and medicines. The effect of such medicines and creams is very low and only effective during the period of use. From a medical point of view, it is not very likely that they could convince me of their health. I think there is no need to talk or explain possible side effects.

It is important to consider the financial aspect of using medication and creams. I think it would be wiser to add a small amount of cost to the usage of such medications and creams in order to get permanent and excellent results and be rid of this problem.

Wearing shapewear has its benefits in helping ladies feel more confident in the social settings they are in. However, no woman should rely solely on shapewear for their desired results. I am here to promise permanent and perfect outcomes.

Breast Aesthetics Psychology

I believe that breast tissue is the most important organ that determines a woman’s femininity. Therefore, having small breast tissue can lead to a woman feeling damaged and her self-confidence being affected negatively. Breast augmentation surgeries are like magic for women, producing results beyond what they expected. Just imagine a patient with almost no breast tissue having the ability to obtain a womanly figure in as little as 30 minutes to an hour. This would give the patient a whole new sense of identity as a woman.

In breast enlargement surgery, the doctor has a lot of work to do, just as in any other surgery. Living with a small breast tissue for many years can affect them psychologically. The most common picture I have encountered in my professional life- which I find a bit strange- is the desire of these patients to use the biggest possible prosthesis and to have very large breast tissue. In these cases, it is necessary to normalize the expectations of the patient. I have always told my patients what is achievable. When determining the size in breast enlargement surgeries, the current breast tissue, shoulder width, chest circumference and professional characteristics of the patient are very important. My professional philosophy is based on natural results. As with all of my surgeries, I try to stay away from drastic results in breast enlargement surgeries. In the postoperative period, a tremendous increase in the patient’s self-confidence is clearly observed.